10 New Year’s Resolutions for the Home

Lombardo Living

Now that we’ve had a few days to settle into the new year, it’s time to start making some New Year’s resolutions! We all make similar vows each year: eat better, read and exercise more, watch less TV. But, what about goals for the home?

Our team pulled together 10 resolutions to set for your home this year.

  1. Have less clutter. The new year is about starting fresh, but decluttering everything at once is daunting. Resolve to declutter one room per week – you’ll be done in no time!
  1. Keep a cleaner home. Instead of spending days cleaning your home before company comes, create weekly tidying and monthly deep-cleaning schedules. Divide the tasks between family members so it’s less work for everyone.
  2. Be greener. Find ways to save energy in your home this year. Ideas include using a programmable or smart thermostat to keep the heat down when you’re not home, turning off lights and appliances that aren’t in use, and checking the weather-stripping around windows and doors.
  1. Become a maintenance guru. Make home maintenance part of your regular cleaning schedule. Some tasks to tackle this winter include checking for ice damming, making sure concrete isn’t exposed to salt or harmful chemicals, cleaning furnace filters, and cleaning dryer lint. Your home will thank you.
  1. Exercise your DIY skills. Give your décor a fresh look without breaking the bank. Check out some of our favorite DIY projects and decorating tips from the Lombardo Homes blog.
  1. Show your personality in your décor. Paint an accent wall your favorite shade of green. Swap out your current accessories for some bright, vibrant alternatives. Purchase art or accent pieces that match your style. This is your home – show your personality through color and décor!
  2. Make it feel like home. Make your new house feel more like home with family photos and collages. Create new family traditions in your home, like weekly movie nights or regular family dinners.
  1. Save for your first home. If you’re looking to purchase your first home this year, now is the time to figure out what kind of monthly payment you can afford and begin saving for a down payment. Be sure to follow these 5 tips before you apply for a mortgage. 
  1. Spend more quality time in the kitchen. Spend more time cooking and eating as a family. Not only will you save some green and eat healthier when you cook at home instead of heading out to a restaurant – this is a golden opportunity for some quality family bonding.
  1. Use every room in your home. Remember the formal living room in grandma’s house that was off-limits and never used? Resolve not to have that kind of room in your home. When you’re arranging the common living spaces in your home, set them up to serve multiple purposes depending on your family’s needs. The loft can be used as a second living room and kid’s play room, while the dining room can be converted into a study with minimal effort.

What New Year’s resolutions do you have for your home? Leave a comment and let us know!


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