People with allergies often view their home as their safe spot. If they stick it out for a couple days inside, they think, maybe the allergens looming outside will move on to the next victim. But sometimes, like a cheesy horror movie, the allergens are coming from inside the house.
The sheer thought can make anyone with bad allergies shudder. But fear not! There are several steps you can take to reduce allergens in the home, and we are going to share some of the simplest ones to help you get started.
1. Know Your Allergy
It’s important to visit a doctor or allergist to find out what exactly you’re allergic to, in order to better take preventative measures in your home. There’s no point in throwing out your curtains if you’re allergic to cats!
2. Take Stock of Furniture
Dust loves to swarm in the fibers of your bed, carpet, curtains, and pets. If allergens are a problem in your home, chances are your furniture is the biggest instigator. Here are some furniture tips for the allergy-prone to keep in mind:
3. Remove Clutter
The fewer things laying around your house, the fewer spots there are for allergens to congregate. Store children’s toys and games in plastic bins. Get rid of old rags, clothes, newspapers and other dust catchers that you no longer use. The first deep-clean may take a while, but once it’s clean – and if you stick to a weekly cleaning schedule – it will be smooth sailing from then on.
4. Keep Your Air Clean
A well-ventilated home and excellent ductwork is one of the first lines of defense your home has for reducing allergens in the home. Here are some clean air tips to keep in mind:
5. Make Accommodating Landscaping Decisions
Since allergies begin outside, your landscaping dictates the severity level of allergens coming in your home. Avoid adding allergenic trees like maple, birch and ash – instead choosing lower pollen-producing trees such as magnolia, double-flowered cherry or dogwood. Low-allergy flowers include viola, columbine, impatiens, astilbe, hosta and scabiosa.
What are your tips for reducing allergens in the home? Let us know in the comments below!