It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of August! Autumn will be here before we know it, and the leaves on the trees will begin to change colors and scatter across our lawns.
In anticipation of fall, we tried out a new DIY project! Collect your favorite leaves and capture their shape and texture with these fall-inspired painted canvases, which are perfect to display in your study or bedroom. This project was a little harder than it looks—keeping the leaves tame while trying to spray paint was not easy. Follow these steps to make a painted lead canvas:
Here’s what you need:
- Blank canvas
- Sponge paint brush
- Acrylic paint (for canvas base)
- White spray paint (for final coat)
- A collection of leaves/foliage
How to make it:
- Set canvas on a flat, paint-friendly surface (i.e., a table covered in newspaper).
- Cover the entire canvas with acrylic paint, using the sponge brush to spread the paint evenly. Let the paint dry completely.
- Head outside to collect your favorite leaves and foliage. Place these leaves over the canvas. (Beware of windy days!)
- Carefully cover the entire canvas (including the sides) with spray paint. The force of the spray paint can easily blow lighter-weight foliage off of the canvas, so be sure to hold the paint can at least 6 inches away from the canvas.
- Remove the foliage, then let paint dry completely.
- Hang your masterpiece in your bedroom, study, or hearth room!
Did you make a painted leaf canvas? Share your experience with us in the comments!
Alyssa C., Lombardo Homes Sales Manager and DIY extraordinaire, contributed to this story.