Young family of 4 on their purchased lot of land

10 FAQs About Lombardo Homes’ Build on Your Lot Program

News & Announcements

You’ve just bought your own beautiful piece of land. It’s everything you’ve dreamt it to be: next to that stunning golf course, or on the water, or within a stellar school district, or sprawling for acres (or all of the above).

The problem? You’re not a contractor. And as much as you love camping, you didn’t buy that land just for a tent.

That’s where we come in.

With Anywhere Lombardo, Lombardo Homes’ build on your lot program, you can build a Lombardo home on land you currently own. Our team of professionals guide you through the entire build process – from homesite evaluation, to identification of interior and exterior colors and finishes, to construction of your home and final key exchange.

Anywhere Lombardo has been in operation in St. Louis for more than a year, and was introduced in Michigan earlier this April. We’re excited about the success Anywhere Lombardo has had in St. Louis, and can’t wait to bring the program to our Michigan market! Below are 10 frequently asked questions about our build on your lot program.

1. Do I need to already own the land?
Yes, you need to own the land before you sign the purchase agreement on your Anywhere Lombardo home.

2. What’s included in the base price I see on the website?
The price you see online includes the base model of the home, plus the additional features included in our Anywhere Lombardo homes. These features vary between series of homes and can include upgraded appliances, hardwood flooring, granite countertops, and/or raised ceilings.

3. What type of financing do I need?
You need a construction loan before you purchase an Anywhere Lombardo home. Don’t worry – if you don’t have a lender of your own, our sales managers have lenders that they can recommend.

4. Who will I work with during the purchase and construction process?
We have a set sales/construction team that manages our Anywhere Lombardo clients. Your sales manager and construction coordinator will guide you through the purchase and construction process, no differently than if you were building a home within a Lombardo community.

5. What happens during the site evaluation?
There are two parts to a site evaluation: the visual pre-evaluation and the actual site evaluation.

During the pre-evaluation, our team determines walkout or daylight basement opportunities, what tree clearing will be required, what we estimate the permit costs to be, and so on. We also look at the flood plain and any surrounding wetlands.

A typical site evaluation reveals the costs associated with additional civil engineering expenses, additional utility connection fees, foundation work, tree removal, etc. Once the site evaluation is complete, we will present you with an estimate with the additional construction activities needed to be performed relating to the homesite.

6. Speaking of costs… what goes into the cost of building on my own lot?
A variety of factors are considered – how the lot looks, the soil conditions, necessary utility work, municipality rules and restrictions, the previous use of the lot, how you’d like to finish the lot, and Homeowner’s Association requirements.

7. So, why don’t I see these costs when building in a Lombardo Homes community?
When a subdivision is developed, the cost to develop each lot is divided up among the entire development and factored into the base price of each house. When developing an individual lot, those costs are shown independent of the price of the house and will increase due to the development being done on one lot instead of multiple lots at once.

8. Can I work with a real estate agent?
Yes! We welcome all real estate agent relationships. Your real estate agent will need to fill out a Broker’s Registration Form and submit the same paperwork they’d normally submit if you were building within a Lombardo Homes community.

9. Will it take longer to build on my lot than in a Lombardo Homes community?
 All Anywhere Lombardo homes will be built on the same schedule as a home within an existing Lombardo Homes community.  However, permitting time up front may vary based on municipality, and will affect when we’re able to start your new home.

10. Is the construction process different than it is when I build in a Lombardo Homes community?
The build process for your Anywhere Lombardo homes is the same as if you were building in an existing community.  The only difference will be any additional time or requirements that may be mandated by the individual municipality, which may be unique to Lombardo Homes’ typical process.

 Want more information? Learn about building on your lot in Michigan and St. Louis.


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